UG: Asset Management
If you own or operate Unique Group’s Buoyancy Bags from our Seaflex product line or Load Testing Bags from our Water Weights product line, it’s important that your valuable assets are maintained to the highest standards of safety and efficiency. No-one knows these bags or works with them more often than we do, with tens of thousands of UG Air Lift Bags and Water Weights in our worldwide rental pool being maintained across dozens of locations to the same exacting standards as in our own factory
Servicing of your owned bags to factory standards, either at our UK or US factory or at the nearest of our 30 worldwide service centres to your location.
Training of your own personnel to carry out factory-standard servicing of your bags
Travelling to your yard or project to carry our such servicing prior to and/or after use
Servicing of your bags
Personnel training
Our engineers have extensive experience in inspection, maintenance and repair and our custom asset management software allows us to provide a total management capability.