Sonardyne WSM: Wideband Sub-Mini Transponder/Responder
Sonardyne WSM: Wideband Sub-Mini Transponder/Responder
Survey Equipment

Sonardyne WSM: Wideband Sub-Mini Transponder/Responder

Availability: ,

The family of Wideband Sub-Minis (WSM) are a versatile range of USBL transponder/ responders designed for positioning ROVs, towfish and other mobile targets in water depths up to 4,000 metres.


Provides a choice of Omni-directional 1000 or Directional 4000-meter depth ratings.

Has transponder and responder operating modes.

Channel selection via serial data part by PC.

Class-leading acoustic power output.

Has depth sensors for improved USBL positioning performance.




Operating frequency: MF (19-36kHz)

Operating channels: All Sonardyne Wideband/Tone HPR 300 & 400 Channels

Number of replies (Responder): Unlimited with External Power

Depth sensor: Standard

Maximum update period: 750ms


Positioning ROVs, towfish and other mobile targets

General USBL tracking application

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