Sonardyne WSM 6: Wideband Sub-Mini Transponder/Responder
The Sonardyne Wideband Sub-Mini 6 is a versatile USBL Transponder Responder that supports WBv2 signals. The Wideband Sub Mini 6 is designed for positioning ROVs, towfish and other mobile targets in water depths up to 4000 metres.
Includes Wideband V2 and V1 signals.
Offers a choice of depth of 1000 and 4000-metre depth rating.
Provides a choice of omni-directional and directional beam-shape with class leading acoustic power output.
Has channel selection via serial data port by PC.
Composed of transponder and responder operating modes.
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Operational frequency MF (19-34 kHz)
Power supply: Long-life Ni MH battery or ext. 24 V via ROV umbilical
Number of replies (Responder): Unlimited with external power
Depth sensor: Standard
Maximum update period: 750 ms
Suitable for a wide range of general USBL tracking applications.
Positioning ROVs, towfish and other mobile targets